

The tuna was an impulse buy during the third week of March 2020. I was at the Price Chopper up the street late at night, it was before the rushes on paper products had hit locally. We’d already stocked up on some staples that we could cook if we wouldn’t be able to make it to the store, but I wanted to have a flat of tuna just in case the grid went down and I couldn’t boil a pot of water.
The sardines I bought out of love rather than fear. These were my breakfast of choice every day of the week for about three months. This supply was from my first trip back to Costco after everything closed. When I walked through the checkout line, the lady said “You know that is eighteen packages of sardines, not three… right?”. I knew what I was getting myself into. Still love them on a salad. Eating them straight out of the can makes me feel like a penguin.

This is the “stocking” my dad sent me for Christmas this year. He packed the contents with empty soda cans (pictured). They had not been cleaned.

A heap of recyclables and nonrecyclables representing potential plans, gifts to be sent, or projects to complete. Just in case.

Previously used as a meal delivery box, will be repurposed into a gift box for an at-home nutcracker experience to make up for our missed tradition this year at the ballet.

Saving up for the Trumpocalypse. I have been hoarding boxes since the Summer in case we had to move to Canada! I won’t dispose of them until January 21st 😁
I actually like the box more than the vase, so I don’t really put the vase out much because I want to have an excuse to keep the box.

If it weren’t brand new in the box, I’m not sure if I would have kept it, but if it were out of the box, I might play with it. Sometimes I think about finding the right little human to pass it on to.

Every time I slide this box open, it slowly reveals that ridiculous footwear, revealing the shoes inch by inch like a low-key burlesque routine.